This teacher used her students' inquiries on the syllabus content to sustain their curiosity in the topic of migration in 19th century Singapore.
Colonial Singapore
Causes of WWI
Singapore History
Both Melvin and Ellie tasked their Secondary 1 History classes with posting questions on Chapter 3 and 4 and then choosing the inquiry question for their classes. These are the inquiry questions the classes worked on.
To view, click on the inquiry question.
- Why weren’t the people in Singapore being caught when they smoked opium in the 19th to early 20th century?
- Was life tougher during the 19th and early 20th century or was life tougher during WWII?
- 1C - Was life tough under British rule?
- Was Singapore an attractive option for the poorer immigrants to come during the 19th century? Why?
- Why did Singapore become a prosperous and busy port in the 1900s?