Knowledge Building Summer Institute 2024


Singapore (Hybrid), 17 - 18th Oct 2024

As announced in the May Edition of the Knowledge Building International Newsletter, following the successful KBSI in Buffalo, KBSI2024 will continue in Singapore from 17 to 18 October 2024. The theme is “Knowledge Building: Creating Coherent Knowledge to Advance Socially Significant Goals”

Who Should Attend the Knowledge Building Institute?

  • Individuals: Teachers, students, administrators, researchers, policy makers and computer scientists worldwide who want to become better acquainted with knowledge building concepts and approaches and advance their work in light of “Knowledge Building Practices and Technology for Global Hubs of Innovation” and models of an inclusive knowledge society.

  • Organizations: Schools, ministries of education, universities, community organizations, businesses, health care organizations, etc., interested in introducing knowledge building into their organizations and establishing state-of-the-art approaches to knowledge creation.

Participation in KBSI 2024@Singapore

1. For inclusive international participation, KBSI will be mostly online, while participants in Singapore may attend in person. If you plan to visit Singapore, you may email We are glad to meet you in Singapore.

2. To participate at KBSI, you must be a Knowledge Building International (KBI) member. If you are unsure about your membership status, please contact Richard Reeve.

3. You may indicate your interest in attending here. We will send you access details to the KBSI 2024 community on the Knowledge Forum before 15 September.

4. We look forward to your participation in this year’s KBSI2024@Singapore.


Submission can be in one of the following formats:

Research Papers (long or short)

Papers can be either long (up to 4000 words, without references) or short (up to 2500 words, without references). They should focus on conceptual or empirical contributions at an advanced stage of development. The long paper is for work requiring lengthy explanations of the conceptual background, methodology, data, analysis, and implications. We also welcome shorter papers reporting significant work in progress.


Poster submission should include a short abstract (up to 300 words). To facilitate online interactions, posters will be in digital format (e.g., an infographic, a PowerPoint or Canva presentation, or a video. The video or presentation should be up to a maximum of 5 mins). You can present novel and promising ideas that are at various stages of development and might focus on Knowledge Building high points, discourse analysis, case studies, pilot initiatives featuring new knowledge practices, technology developments, exemplary work from teachers, students, administrators, engineers, researchers, and so forth.

Other Formats

You are welcome to propose a demonstration, workshop, design jam session, symposium, or other format that does not fit the above. Please submit a draft of your idea as soon as possible to the program committee (Tan Seng Chee and Teo Chew Lee for review and discussion.

Submission procedure

Paper submission is closed.

Review procedure

We follow the Knowledge Building principle that every idea is improvable. Two reviewers will be assigned to each paper. As part of a KB community, we are taking collective responsibility for advancing knowledge for the public good. The authors, authors’ affiliations, and reviewers’ identities will be revealed. After receiving reviewer feedback, please revise and improve your work by addressing the concerns and issues. The revised work should be submitted to the “Revisions based on peer feedback” View. In this view, authors are encouraged to read each other's work, build on it, draw connections, and rise above the work.


July 5th, 2024: KBSI Call For Papers

July 19th, 2024: Indication of interest to submit

August 25th, 2024: Deadline for Submission [extended deadline]

September 15th, 2024: Ending Feedback/Consultation Phase [extended]

September 29th, 2024: Deadline to upload Final Version [extended]

October 1st, 2024: Submitted contributions open for pre-conference reading and building on to prepare for Conference participation [extended]

October 1st, 2024: Deadline for Registration for attending KBSI 2024 in person (Registration for Online participation remains open)

October 17th-18th, 2024: KBSI Summer Institute (following KB Design Studio in Singapore from Oct 14th to 16th