
The teacher Juliana introduced the topic of Environment to her students by showing them four pictures and having students write their thoughts on each picture on post-it notes (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Students write their thoughts regarding the 4 trigger pictures on post-it notes.

Fig. 1. Students write their thoughts regarding the 4 trigger pictures on post-it notes.

The next lesson, she kick-started the inquiry process by throwing out this statement to students: "In the past 50 years, humans have consumed more resources than in all previous history", and asked students to explain to her what resources were. This led to a discussion on the topic of coal, oil, deforestation, etc. At this point, Juliana showed her students a video on Man's impact on the environment. She then split the class into groups of 4 to reflect on the video and answer 3 inquiry questions: name 3 negative impacts on the environment; name 2 differences between the environment in the past and present; name 1 thing to change to make the world a better place to live in. Students did this task on mahjong paper (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Students work in groups to answer Juliana's 3 inquiry questions on mahjong paper.

Fig. 2. Students work in groups to answer Juliana's 3 inquiry questions on mahjong paper.

In subsequent lessons, students' work on the mahjong papers were transferred to KF, as Juliana encouraged her students to refine and improve on their original answers and ideas. She also identified promising ideas to let her students build on, and selected important topics for them to work on (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Students work on topics selected by Juliana.

Fig. 3. Students work on topics selected by Juliana.


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