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Student Knowledge Building Design Studio (sKBDS) 2023

Theme: International KB Community: Apply Data Science to Build Knowledge About Our Environment

Student Knowledge Building Design Studio (sKBDS) is a holiday programme hosted by the CRPP/NIE bi-annually. sKBDS engages students in an authentic knowledge community akin to groups of engineers or scientists at work. Students in sKBDS investigate, design solutions and develop theories about sustainable issues using data science methods, thinking and reflection tools and through collaboration with experts and peers to achieve the collective goal of innovating and contributing to real-world solutions.

In this upcoming design studio in the June holidays, we continue to explore the different phenomenon in our environment through data science and knowledge building, honing our investigation skills and thinking hard about how we can save this precious planet earth. In addition to collaborating and connecting with experts and scientists around the world, we will get to meet and work with students from Hong Kong High School in understanding the unique environmental conditions and features in each city. The exploration of data from multiple locations will enable us to formulate more powerful theories about the environment and seeking ways to save lives and planet.

Knowledge and skills that students and teachers can learn from KBDS participation

Students will

  • gain deeper understanding of environmental and sustainability issues

  • develop data science competencies  

  • gain knowledge in theory development processes on complex problems in interdisciplinary area

  • develop knowledge building capacities including critical thinking, communication and collaborative skills, innovative and creative thinking.

  • engage in knowledge building discourse with peers, international students, scientists and experts from energy industries.

Teachers will form a small group or community to observe and discuss the design, pedagogy and students’ work emerging from the design Studio. Teachers will

  • learn more about data science and its application in interdisciplinary areas

  • learn more about knowledge building pedagogy and its related thinking scaffolds

  • learn to apply knowledge building pedagogy and technology for differentiated instructions and collaborative learning.

Important dates

22nd (Thursday) and 23rd June (Friday) 8:30 am to 5pm: Main KBDS program at National Institute of Education (All to attend)

24th June (Saturday) 10am to 3pm: Cultural exchange and design thinking activities (Optional for Singapore students).

Food and Transportation

Lunch and snack breaks will be provided for the full event. Transportation between school and NIE will be provided/reimbursed (the cap of each participant’s round-trip claim is S$25). Each student and teacher will also receive a certificate of participation from the Office of Education Research (OER), National Institute of Education (NIE) and a token of e-voucher (S$10) for participation.


We would like to invite teachers and students to join us in this upcoming KBDS! Please indicate your interest by sending an email to or sign up via the QR code below. Further details can be corresponded via email at a later time.

For email response, please provide the following information below to Thank you.


Number of students: (We are opening the event registration to the first 25 Singapore students who will meet and connect with a group of Hong Kong students. Please register as early as you can as it’s first come first serve!)

14 April

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